The family blog of Kristian, Catherine and Hugo

Friday, September 30, 2005

Some Canadian Pics

Double click a pic for a bigger view. Please excuse the date on some of the pics as I've downloaded them from another camera.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Tickets... check!
Passports... check!
Luggage... check!
Itinerary... check!
Excitement... CHECK!

We're off tomorrow morning and cannot wait!

I'll keep this blog updated with our adventures, but thought a couple pics of Hugo would keep you interested for now....

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Hugo loves it when Kaylee comes to stay

He smothers her in kisses and cuddles and curls up for great lengths of time chatting, playing and watching tv

Which he rarely does


"It's mine Dad, mine!"

Hugo and I like to sit outside in the warm winter sun. We listen to the birds, watch the cars and buses zoom by, chat and sing

Hugo doesn't particularly like the feel of the hard grass so he stays put, only moving to climb all over me (not good for photos)


Small twigs are tricky to pick up

Kristian hypes up Hugo

Hugo tenses his body and squeals whenever he's excited now

Handsome Hudson turned one in rockin' style and we went to celebrate his first birthday party

Hugo was a little shy at first, but the playroom packed with toys won him over in no time

There were cameras everywhere you looked as the party was covered from every angle

Cutting of the cake

Hudson with his Dad, Richard

Hudson looks waaay too cute in his new chair. He slouches, swings his legs and rests his hand on a cold one (bottle that is)

Cruel world!


Kristian feeds Hugo more of what he shouldn't have (mango pancakes) and Hugo obviously loves it

Kristian and Hugo

Hugo grabs at Kristian's plate, wanting whatever he's having (trifle)

"No, you can't have any"

Kristian gives in