little monkey
Pre-haircut shag/surfer/hippie/rock boy look:

"You must give me raspberries... NOW!"

More raspberries please...

To Kristian's woe, I started putting a clip in Hugo's hair to convince his father of the need for a haircut...

It was a rather endearing look.....

I think......

Hugo LOVES to wear this old school floaty around the house

He wasn't happy about the hair clip though (understandable...)

We (Mum, Susie and I) had planned to take photos of Hugo getting his first hair cut, but it seriously took three of us to hold him down for the deed. He kicked, he punched and boy, did he SCREAM!!! AHHHH!!!!!

He settled down in the end though. THANK GOD!

The haircut is growing on us, just like Hugo is

"Oh no! It's gone"

My preciousssssss

Hugo takes his cars and trucks most places with him. Yes, the obsession with all things on wheels continues

Our beautiful, happy boy

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so so so cute !His first haircut !!!!
Can't wait to give him a big cuddle !!!!!!!!!!!!
9:58 pm
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