Tuesday, January 03, 2006
About Us

Hugo Wolfgang was born on November 10, 2004 and as you can see from the photo above, I couldn't be happier, though Kristian's never quite recovered... This blog is our attempt to keep in touch with all of our family and friends around the world. We hope you like it!
emailHugo's lovin...
the movie carscharlie and lola
being boss
picking boogers
delaying bedtime
looking at photographs of himself
attacking his dad
anything with his uncle Andrew
Kristian's lovin...
showing off his dead toethrashing everyone at squash
bueno chocolates
denying his daily video game habit
frasier marathons
rumbling with young wolf
Catho's lovin...
the gilmore girlsdancekool classes
steven shein accessories
mandarin season (yum!)
60s haircuts
toe cleavage
our first au-pair, jen's blogour second au-pair, susi's blog
websites we like
book crossingchina heights
cool hunting
design is kinky
lost at e minor
rama hughes illustration
refinery 29 shops
sydney morning herald
word spy
two thousand
urban dictionary
ugly footballers
zhong cheng
This is a Flickr badge showing public photos from catherine online. Make your own badge here.
Previous Posts
- Our family: bottom row from the left is Michael, D...
- Mum poses with her four grandchildren (from the le...
- The astonishingly intelligent Nathan (who's curren...
- Hugo and Andrew chill after a big meal
- Kristian bought Hugo a chess set for them to play ...
- Hugo and Esther
- Mini-Kristian goes for a spin around the house
- Hugo spent around 20 minutes continuously pressing...
- The day has a sky high conclusion
- Nothing like a relaxing bath at the end of an exci...
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