So we're moving into week two of our holiday and I'm already behind in my storytelling.
We're in Vancouver Island this week hanging out with Tetka (Kristian's aunt, 'Tetka' is aunty in Croatian) and our cousins Lukas and Maya. Luke is the cool dude above being forced to drink beer with Kristian and Maya is the young beauty obsessed with Hugo.
There are so many stories to share... We're having a fantastic time. We took the biggest ferry I've seen on Monday from Vancouver to Nanaiamo and tomorrow we're driving across the island to its captial, Victoria to spend time with Jane and Peter, Brian's sister and brother in law. From there we return to Vancouver for the rest of our stay.
Hugo's holding up with the travel pretty well so far, but is starting to teeth quite heavily so it'll be nice to settle again.
More pictures to come....
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